Brighton & Hove Services
Below is a list of services within Sussex that can help you gain support in different areas of your life. At Chomp we are only trained and qualified to run the services that we do; thankfully there are lots of other agencies around the city that can provide the support we can't. We will always have a list of these projects and contacts within our sessions, so feel free to ask us for it so you can have a look.

Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF)
HAF is funded by the Department of Education (DfE) and offers free enriching holiday activities with a healthy meal included.
When: during Easter, Summer, and Christmas school holidays.
Eligibility: children and young people in Reception to Year 11 who receive benefits-related free school meals (FSM).
Get involved! Visit to view the full events calendar and book directly with your chosen activity providers.
HAF Booking Codes:
A unique HAF booking code is required for each individual child. Those who are new to HAF must first apply for their unique HAF booking code by visiting
Please email with questions or for support.